Face masks from a huge variety of countries - Finns value safety and domesticity

Safety and domesticity became important criteria in the selection of masks, according to a consumer survey of 1,000 people commissioned by Lifa Air. As the use of masks has become commonplace, more attention has been paid to the quality of masks. A clear majority (68%) of respondents want the mask to be odorless, skin-friendly, and free of harmful chemicals. The domestic product is trusted and the employment effect of domestic manufacturing is considered important.

The choice of respondents when purchasing masks is most influenced by the safety of masks and the fact that masks are odorless, skin-friendly and do not contain harmful chemicals (68% of respondents). As many as 76% of the respondents considered safety important for women, 50% of the respondents thought so. Regionally, more than 65% across the country considered this important and 73% in the SME region. Of those respondents who consider themselves accustomed to using the mask, as many as 82% considered safety important.

A survey conducted by IROResearch (1,000 respondents) examined Finns' thoughts on the use of masks and selection criteria. "We wanted to find out because we offer Finns a genuinely domestic alternative." explains Vesa Mäkipää, Lifa Air's Chairman of the Board. The majority of women (56%) felt that they were used to a face mask, the proportion was lower in men (42%). Among the age groups, young people (18-24 years) felt that they were the most used to the use of the mask (58%). The most regionally accustomed were those living in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area (64%).

55% of all respondents agreed with the statement that a cloth mask does not provide as good protection as a medical face mask. Of those who felt accustomed to using a face mask, well over half (64%) felt that the fabric mask did not protect as well as the medical face mask.

“It’s important to understand the differences between face mask types. It is gratifying to note that the Finns are vigilant and the information has been well received. Surgical mouth-nose protection is a medical device with strict requirements. There is no standard or regulation for the fabric mask and its filtration efficiency, for example.” Mäkipää points out.

More than half of all respondents trust domestic mask products more than foreign ones. Women (56%), people over 55 (61%) and people over 65 (63%) trust domestic products the most. When asked how much the choice of a mask product is influenced by the fact that it is a domestic company that employs in Finland, 61% of all respondents answered very much or a lot. 68% of women and up to 75% of those over 65 agreed.

“It is very welcome that buyers of masks want domestic quality and safety. When the product is intended to come into contact with the face, care must be taken in its manufacturing. For example, we have been contacted by many people with allergies who have to wear skin-friendly masks. The challenge for the consumer is that the quality or whether the product has undergone chemical post-treatment is often difficult to ascertain from the sales packaging of the product. We are proud to be able to offer domestic products with certifications in good condition and skin friendliness individually tested. The Avainlippu brand communicates the domestic nature of our products, ”says Mäkipää.

The responsibility of the company making the masks, and the non-use of child labor, for example, was also considered important. 54% of all respondents considered this to be very important or important and more than 60% of women and those over 65 years of age.

“When we manufacture masks in Finland, we can guarantee a transparent supply chain, top-level product testing and traceability. At the same time, we employ in Finland and ensure domestic security of supply.” says Mäkipää.

Source: Lifa Air Oy, IROResearch Oy's Thousand Finns survey (11/2020, N = 1000)
Further information: Juha Uppa, Lifa Air Oy, 045 118 9585 / juha.uppa@lifa.net
Research material available for media use.