Lifa Air and the Sponsors of Children's Clinics (Kummit Ry) start co-operation
The goal of the collaboration between Lifa Air and Kummit Ry is to increase patient comfort through patterned masks and to support Kummit Ry's work for the benefit of small patients and the best possible care. The proceeds of the cooperation agreement will be donated to the work of the Children's Clinics' Godparents for the benefit of small patients in Finland. The funds will be used to support clinics for equipment purchases, patient comfort, pediatric research and mental health work for children and young people.
“We are particularly pleased with our new collaboration with Finnish Lifa Air, as the collaboration includes donating both trustworthy and fun masks to childrens hospitals as well as opportunities for consumers to participate in supporting sponsorship by purchasing cheerfully patterned, effective masks. Choosing a teddy bear mask can do good by supporting small patients while conveying a nice feeling around you. An important product for the prevention of the current pandemic is topical right now, but there is certainly continued use for surgical masks in the hospital world. It is great to think that, for example, an exciting surgical situation can be slightly alleviated for small patients by having a surprise, happy and high-quality hospital-level type IIR teddy bear on the surgeon's face.”, rejoices Anu, Executive Director of Lastenklinikoiden Kummit ry

"Kummit ry tries in every possible way to make it easier for the patients of the Children's Clinics to stay in the hospital, and we want to help with our own contribution." says Juha Tamminen, Sales Director of Lifa Air. “The teddy bear mask, or in fact two different versions, is currently being designed and production will begin soon. The teddy bear mask gives a happier look to the doctor or nurse even in a slightly more painful place and the product is a great addition to a small patients encounter with doctors and nurses. Teddy bear masks are also available, for example, in our online store” explains Tamminen.

Lastenklinikoiden Kummit
The Kummit Ry supports Finlands five university childrens clinics, development and research work, and improves patients comfort during their hospital stay. In recent years, the association has made significant contributions to the mental health work of children and young people. Funds are raised in various ways throughout the year. Throughout its term of office, Kummit ry has made donations of approximately EUR 40 million.

Pictures: Markku Pajunen