Lifa Air is ready for growth in demand for respirators, new product innovation under development

Demand for respirators is growing strongly both in Finland and elsewhere in the world. Lifa Air has prepared for a significant increase in demand during the summer and is hiring more employees. The company’s new product innovation, the personal air purifier, is coming to the launch phase this year.

The Finnish technology company Lifa Air is the world's leading expert on clean air. The company signed an agreement with the Security of Supply Center for the supply of respirators and medical face masks in April. The respiratory protection factory established by the company in Finland has been in operation since the early summer and production has been run up at the company's factory in southern Finland. The company is hiring dozens of employees in the coming months. The global shortage of filter fabrics also led Lifa Air to start manufacturing the material that is critical for the quality of respirators itself with the Meltblown meltblowing method.

- During the spring and summer, we have prepared for a significant increase in demand. A significant part of our production is used by the Security of Supply Center, which guarantees the security of supply for health care. We focus on meeting the needs of domestic demand; it is important to us that Covid-19 is kept under control and that society remains viable in the future as well, says Vesa Mäkipää, Chairman of the Board of Lifa Air.

There are strict legal requirements for respirators. Type-approved respirators must be CE marked and their filtering ability must be demonstrated by a standard test. In Finland, compliance is monitored by FIMEA. Lifa Air has also built its own unique testing system in Finland. the filtering efficiency of the masks is ensured. In addition, each product is traceable and its origin is known.

- Our products meet international standards and are manufactured in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) typical of medical devices. Due to their protective effectiveness and technical properties, our respirators are suitable for use not only in social and health care, but also in pharmacies and government departments. Our masks are also already available for consumer use, e.g. grocery stores. It is good to remember that a high-quality respirator and medical face mask is a completely different thing than home-woven fabric masks, Mäkipää explains.

The new product innovation is a personal air purifier

- Our product development is constantly working on new product and material innovations. Respirators are a good solution, but they are not very comfortable in continuous long-term use. For several years now, we have been developing a personal air purifier that provides a clean air space for the wearer’s breathing zone. It is a small, neck-worn device that can also be used in the hand or on the desk. It has aroused great international interest. In our view, this is the direction of the future. We want to be a pioneer and that is why we feel it is important that our clean air industry is also actively developed forward. The product is coming to an international crowdfunding campaign during the autumn, says Mäkipää.

More information:
Vesa Mäkipää, Chairman of the Board
050 63 696 /

For more information, personal air purifier:
Eppu Mäkipää, Asian Sales Director / +852 68 162544 /